Efficient Portfolio Theory
Efficient Portfolio Theory
In this booklet you'll learn:
How the seven pillars of investing maximize returns • How planning is the road map, while portfolio efficiency is the engine that gets you there
Read Our Guide

Portfolio Management -
Institutional Direct

Many investors engage us because of our Institutional Direct asset management. That is simply because Institutional Direct is the purest form of portfolio management. Each portfolio, whether equities or bonds, is managed through individual securities, not through industry products, such as pooled mutual funds. 

By purchasing and managing their securities directly, we’re able to offer an investment to our clients which avoids hidden fees, pricing disadvantages, and high retail advisor fees.  Direct asset management, with its total transparency, gives our affluent clients the ability to control and manage gains, tax-loss harvesting, and gifting of individual holdings.

Benefits to Institutional Direct:

  • Securities owned and controlled by client
  • Not pooled with small investors
  • Total transparency
  • No high advisor costs
  • Eliminates hidden fees
  • Portfolio tailored to investor’s needs
  • Tax-loss harvesting of individual securities made possible
  • Gifting of individual securities
  • No phantom taxes (often found in mutual funds)
  • No small investor herding impact
  • Investor can restrict sin stocks

Our investment management process is defined by the eight driving principles of the Linden Thomas & Company portfolio theory. They are founded on the belief that portfolio results are a direct correlation to portfolio efficiency.

Efficient Portfolio Theory
Efficient Portfolio Theory
In this booklet you'll learn:
How the seven pillars of investing maximize returns • How planning is the road map, while portfolio efficiency is the engine that gets you there
Read Our Guide