Top 8 Questions Investors Need to Ask to Achieve Better Results
8 Questions
In this booklet you'll learn:
To answer the most important investment questions
Read Our Guide

Client Results Matter

Our focus at Linden Thomas & Company is to help investors plan, build, and navigate as changes in markets and life take place. Our goals as a firm are to deliver the best results in nine areas in order that the client's needs. Linden Thomas & Company is committed to meeting each client's long-term needs.


Each portfolio is built and managed through individual stocks and bonds tailored to our clients' needs. The Linden Thomas & Company Equity Indexes are constructed to maximize our clients’ long-term results while the fixed income portfolios are built to maximize cash flow.


Through Linden Thomas & Company separately managed portfolios, each client has full transparency of each holding, results, and cost. This takes out the guesswork that is often difficult when buying products.


Because securities are held in each client's account directly, they have full control and flexibility to change, gift, or sell individual securities.


Our team of Financial Planners, Chartered Financial Analysts, bond/equity experts, and advisors alongside administrative staff are here daily as a resource if clients need us.


The Linden Thomas & Company reports are built to give each client a clear picture of allocation, results, and net income of each holding along with a list by sector of each stock and bond.


Our team of service administrators is there to provide each client with quick, reliable service. We don't believe in voicemail; we believe in talking to clients directly.

Financial Planning

Our team of financial planners has a commitment to ensure that you have the plan and road map that is well spelled out and gives you a clear path to meet your long-term needs.

Tailored portfolio management

Each portfolio is built and tailored directly for our clients through individual securities, so our clients benefit from direct ownership.

Earnings-focused equity & yield-focused bonds

Academics prove that earnings-quality equity discipline and yield-focused fixed income management over time benefit investors. The Linden Thomas & Company earnings-focused equity indexes and our yield-focused bonds are built to meet each of our client's cash flow and long-term growth needs.

Education & Insight

Linden Thomas & Company believe an educated investor is one that can make the best decisions. This is why we conveniently create material that helps each investor understand and navigate as their needs change.

"People hire us because of what we have done. They stay clients because of what we do."
  -Stephen L. Thomas

Top 8 Questions Investors Need to Ask to Achieve Better Results
8 Questions
In this booklet you'll learn:
To answer the most important investment questions
Read Our Guide