Celebrating over 30 YEARS of Putting Clients First, because...

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Linden Thomas & Company - 32 National Recognitions

Barron's 2023
Barron's 2022
Barrons 2021
The Business Journals 2021
The Business Journals 2021
Financial Times 2020
Financial Times 2018
Barrons 2018
Barrons 2017
Charlotte Magazine 2017
Financial Times 2017
Barrons 2017
Barrons 2016
Financial Times 2016
Forbes 2016
Barrons 2015
Barrons 2014
Forbes 2013
Barrons 2013
The Business Journals 2012
Barons 2012
Wealth Management 2011
Forbes 2011
Barrons 2011
Wealth Management 2012
Forbes 2010
Forbes 2010
Barrons 2010
Forbes 2009 Barrons 2009 Charlotte Mg 2008 Forbes 2008
Linden Thomas & Company



Years Putting
Clients First


Valued Clients





What We Do for Our Clients Matters

As Linden Thomas & Company has grown over the years, we have never lost focus on what's important. Our clients are at the center of everything we do.

If our efforts produce great results for our clients, then who do you think benefits?

Investors often hire us because of what we have done and how we achieve results. They stay clients because of what we do on a consistent basis. Our team of professionals has one focus... putting client needs first! This is why we work hard to educate, serve and build efficient portfolios that are tailored not through products but through individual securities with a focus on maximizing client results.

"It's not what we say that's important, it's what we do." ~ Stephen L. Thomas

What Makes Us Different

What drives our client results is portfolio efficiency. Each portfolio is built and managed for our private client’s growth and needs. Because results are directly correlated to portfolio efficiency, Linden Thomas & Company tailors each portfolio using eight principles to enhance investor results.

Please take a few minutes to view this short video, it truly illustrates the power of Institutional Direct portfolio management.


The History of Linden Thomas & Company

The journey to becoming a world-class asset management firm has a rich history (before becoming a wholly-owned fully independent private institutional investment firm and broker-dealer). Before starting Linden Thomas & Company, founder Stephen L. Thomas and a team of professionals saw first-hand how big wall street firms worked. This drove them to build an independent institutional firm with a focus on client results through efficient portfolio management and planning.









Washington, DC
EF Hutton Institutional

Learning from the industry's best!

In his mid-20’s, Stephen L Thomas moved from Texas to Washington, DC after accepting a job with the world-renowned EF Hutton, the largest investment firm at the time. Thomas had humble beginnings from growing up in a small Texas town. Moving to a big city Wall Street firm gave him immediate entry in learning how to build efficient portfolios through Hutton’s Institutional Investment consulting team. This team was made up of some of Wall Street’s finest at the time.

Shearson Lehman Hutton
Beginnings of something special!

After several successful years with EF Hutton in Washington, DC, two industry giants merged (Shearson Lehman and EF Hutton) to become Shearson Lehman Hutton. Like most large mergers, this disrupted the institutional focus Stephen Thomas found beneficial to asset management for his clients. So, Thomas moved to Charlotte, NC and expanded his business. This allowed him to begin building an institutional asset management team with a focus on efficient portfolios.

Smith Barney & Shearson Lehman Merger
Efficient Portfolio Theory Established

After several years with Shearson Lehman Hutton, Thomas found himself at a firm with a melting pot of ideas about what is important to investors. What was once a priority of putting client’s needs first (a priority shared by Thomas and his team) had changed to pushing mutual funds which didn’t meet the efficiency standards he was accustomed to. So, Thomas established a standard of portfolio management called Efficient Portfolio Theory. This would drive him and his dedicated team to create an investment practice built on putting clients first through efficient portfolio management.

Prudential Securities
Building a world-class investment team

After several mergers of EF Hutton, Smith Barney, and Shearson Lehman, Thomas made a move to Prudential Securities. This promised to give him more freedom for developing the foundation of client focus portfolios based on Efficient Portfolio Theory. Thomas built a team of professionals who catered to building portfolios directly for their high net worth clients. After several years, Thomas became one of this industry’s top wealth managers. Ranked #2 out of 7,000 advisors at Prudential Securities, Thomas and his team dedicated themselves to building and maximizing client-tailored portfolios.

Merrill Lynch
Biggest is not always best!

After Prudential Securities was bought by First Union, Thomas and his team were recruited to Wall Street’s largest firm, Merrill Lynch. By this time, their portfolio discipline had become one of the industry’s premier asset management practices. During their time at Merrill Lynch, Thomas and his team grew both in number and in clients. They were dedicated to building a portfolio without selling big firm products. Thomas became one of the firm’s top wealth managers, which usually consists of an elite crowd from New York to Hong Kong. Despite all his success, Thomas felt that Wall Street had moved away from putting clients first…


Linden Thomas & Company
Independence has its price! (beginnings of something special)

When Thomas set out to build a wholly owned, private wealth management firm it not only meant spending his own money but meant getting different industry licenses. He was subjected to scrutiny by the industry gatekeepers which award broker-dealers/investment firms - the SEC and FINRA. As one of the industry’s top wealth managers at Merrill Lynch, Prudential, and Smith Barney, Thomas saw the benefits of being associated with big Wall Street firms. He also found that investors were often not a priority at large firms because the people at the top seldom worked directly for clients…



Linden Thomas & Company has built a team of professionals focused on building efficient portfolios tailored to our clients' needs while maximizing results. Our team consists of Certified Financial Planners (CFP®), bond experts, Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA®), financial advisors, and industry experts dedicated to service. 30 times over the last several years, Barron’s, Forbes, and Financial Times have recognized founder Stephen L. Thomas as one of the industry’s top wealth managers. Linden Thomas & Company is not only an independent asset manager registered under the SEC, but also a wholly owned broker-dealer afforded the freedom to build portfolios directly through individual securities…


Tomorrow: The Road Less Traveled

The future is bright for Linden Thomas & Company. We continue building a team which will manage client assets with a focus on results and service unlike any other firm in the industry. But the journey has just begun. We are creating new ways of investing for the next generation of new clients, our clients' children, and grandchildren. Educating the next generation through our Institutional Indexes, digital investment platforms, and educational eBooks will help many future generations to become wise stewards of wealth management.

Linden Thomas & Company Results at a Glance


The performance results shown are those of a proprietary account at Linden Thomas invested using real dollars based upon the application of Linden Thomas's Proprietary Linden Thomas Large/Mid Growth 50 Index. These performance results are presented net of a .85% advisory fee. The performance results do not reflect the deduction of other fees or expenses, including but not limited to brokerage fees, custodial fees, fees and expenses charged by mutual funds and other investment companies, and any other fee or expenses a client may incur in the management of such client's investment advisory account. A client's return with respect to an investment would be reduced by any fees or expenses a client may incur in the management of its investment advisory account. The performance results are unaudited and are not an estimate of any specific investors actual performance, which may be materially different from such performance depending on numerous factors. No representations or warranties whatsoever are made by Linden Thomas or any other person or entity as to the future profitability of an investment account or the results of making an investment. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Our results have a direct correlation to earnings quality of holdings, investor direct ownership, and investment cost.

Rather than putting investors in market cap pooled mutual funds, we build each portfolio directly through individual securities with a focus on earnings quality. Investor ownership, and cost efficiency. This allows each one of our clients the ability to maximize long-term compounding while minimizing the inefficiencies of poor portfolio construction.

Portfolio results have a direct correlation to portfolio efficiency. We take a disciplined, less subjective, academic approach to building each portfolio.

"Results have a direct correlation to effort!" ~ Stephen L. Thomas

*To read our full disclaimers, CLICK HERE.

Our Beliefs and Giving Back...

For much is given, much is required! Who we support: Homeless/Military/Less Fortunate/Food/Faith

One benefit of growing up with less is when you are given more than you need then it allows you to bless those that are in need. At Linden Thomas & Company, we have been blessed over the years and part of that blessing helps bless others!

~ Stephen L. Thomas

16 ways to do GREAT THINGS! Click on the logos to learn, give, care...

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Linden Thomas & Company Serves over 900 Clients in 35 States throughout the United States and Beyond.