Linden Thomas & Company
Investor Institute
Portfolio results are often directly correlated to two factors, which are portfolio construction and investor behavior.

We have found that the more each Linden Thomas & Company client is educated and informed, the wiser their decisions are that impact their portfolio and family needs. Every aspect of portfolio construction matters, as all have an influence on results.
Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, the Investor Institute gives smart investors insight into subjects like how to maximize long term results, the impact of down markets and recovery, the importance of compounding, chasing average returns, importance of quality, direct ownership and cost, and many other investor related subjects that empower investors to make wise decisions as they navigate their own needs.
Through the Linden Thomas & Co. Investor Institute, we share over 36 years of experience managing money in both good and bad markets and provide insight into how good investor behavior, along with an efficient portfolio, can help our private clients meet their long-term needs.